Social event, Workshop
CRBLM 5à7: Welcome (back) to the Centre for Research on Brain, Language, and Music
CRBLM 5à7 events are an informal and relaxed forum for students and postdocs to support each other and network while exploring different themes. The first event of the 2023-24 academic year will provide an orientation to the CRBLM, including an overview of our available equipment and infrastructure, our events and activities, and highlights of our ongoing research. We will also have information about our funding opportunities and tips on how to apply. Come and get to know the CRBLM staff as well as your fellow researchers and trainees!
Il est possible de participer en français ou en anglais. All are welcome. Tous et toutes sont les bienvenu-es. Des rafraîchissements seront servis ! Refreshments will be served! Please register below.
When: Thursday, September 21, 5:00-7:00pm
Where: Thomson House, 3650 McTavish
The CRBLM 5à7 series will continue monthly: Our session on October 19 will focus on collaboration, and on November 16 we will hear from CRBLM alumni in non-academic careers.
On a hâte d’acceuillir nos collègues inter-universitaires – tous sont bienvenus – venez en grand nombre ! All students and postdocs are welcome!