Research Incubator Awards
RIA provide seed funding to CRBLM Regular Members for interdisciplinary projects of exceptional innovation and broad significance to the field. This support is intended to provide a basis for innovative project development and pilot research ultimately leading to external funding for the ongoing collaborative work.

Graduate Student Stipends
CRBLM wants to promote interdisciplinary research and to support training opportunities for its graduate student members, to promote research that is of clinical, scientific and/or social significance and to stimulate knowledge transfer activities between CRBLM and its larger community.

Graduate Student Travel Awards
CRBLM encourages student members to present their scientific results at an international conference. It is a profitable experience in the training of graduate students. Our aim is to facilitate the sharing and acquisition of new knowledge, networking and the fostering of scientific collaboration.

CRBLM Sponsorship Program
CRBLM provides financial support for activities, organized by our members, that promote CRBLM research, that foster collaboration and that offer professional development opportunities. If you want to propose an event, please contact us at info@crblm.ca.