Social event, Workshop
CRBLM 5à7: International perspectives on academic jobs
CRBLM 5à7 events are an informal and relaxed forum for students and postdocs to support each other and network while exploring different themes. The May 17 event will feature an international panel of academic professionals, with discussion focused on how (and why) to find international opportunities for graduate school, postdoc, or permanent positions.
Thank you to our speakers!
- Daniela Sammler, Max Planck Institute, Germany
- Michael Hove, Fitchburg State University, USA
- Ocke-Schwen Bohn, Aarhus University, Denmark
- Wentao Gu, Nanjing Normal University, China
Il est possible de participer en français ou en anglais. All are welcome. Tous et toutes sont les bienvenu-es. Des rafraîchissements seront servis ! Refreshments will be served! Please register below.
When: Wednesday, May 17, 5:00-7:00pm
Where: Thomson House, 3650 McTavish
On a hâte d’acceuillir nos collègues inter-universitaires – tous sont bienvenus – venez en grand nombre ! All students and postdocs are welcome!