Reading group
Reading group : Language – Domain General or Domain Specific ?
This winter semester we will have six biweekly meetings of a reading group to critically discuss research related to the modularity of language processing.
This topic relates to a range of issues, and interdisciplinary studies are encouraged.
Each week one person will be the discussion facilitator to present and critique one article. Articles that do not explicitly address the question are welcome, and we will spend some of the session relating the research back to the domain general or domain specific discussion.
Potential topics include (but are not limited to) models of language processing, L2 acquisition and attainment, bilingual advantage, comparisons of music and language processing, and language-like processes in animals.
Meetings are likely to be on Tuesday afternoons.
Location: Thomson House, McGill University, 3650 Rue McTavish
If you are interested in joining, please contact