Pre-registering your study: Why, How, and What if?
09 décembre 2020
Pre-registration is gaining popularity as a way to increase transparency and replicability. Pre-registration allows researchers to specify their research plans in advance, including hypotheses, sample, and planned analyses. Many journals, including Psychological Science (click here for the a list of journals), recognize preregistered research by awarding a Preregistered badge. Read More
TMS workshop with Kate Watkins
15 mai 2019
Title: Stimulating speech: Auditory-motor interactions in production and perception
In my lab, we use non-invasive brain stimulation to explore auditory-motor interactions during speech perception and speech production. I will describe how transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) works and provide a number of examples of how we have used this method in combination with behaviour and other measures of brain function. Read More
Sara Incera (Psychology, Eastern Kentucky University)
21 mai 2019
Title: The timing of the cognitive processes underlying bilingualism and the perception of foreign accents: Evidence from mouse tracking
The mouse-tracking paradigm allows researchers to better understand how cognitive processes unfold over time by recording participants’ responses using a computer mouse. In this talk, I will present a diverse set of cognitive experiments in which I used the mouse-tracking paradigm for data collection. Read More
Mouse-tracking workshop with Sara Incera
22 mai 2019
Title: Creating and analyzing mouse-tracking experiments
The goal of this four-hour workshop is to create and analyze mouse-tracking experiments. During the first half of the workshop, participants will become familiar with the computer software MouseTracker. Read More
Social event, Workshop
CRBLM 5à7: Inspiration from Outreach
13 avril 2023
CRBLM 5à7 events are an informal and relaxed forum for students and postdocs to support each other and network while exploring different themes. The April 13 event will highlight community outreach projects led by our faculty members and graduate students, with a discussion on how outreach activities simultaneously are inspired by and can inspire academic research. We will also explore how outreach can take many forms – in-person or remote, highly social or independent, large or small time commitments, targeted populations or general public, long-term or one-off. Read More
Non classifié(e), Social event, Workshop
CRBLM 5à7: Alternatives to the Tenure Track
16 mars 2023
CRBLM 5à7 events are an informal and relaxed forum for students and postdocs to support each other and network while exploring different themes. The March 16 event will focus on alternatives to the tenure track, with CRBLM alumni invited back to share their experiences in not-for-profit, industry, or alt-ac careers. Read More
Growing Up in Science – Past Events
A conversation with Dr. Sylvain Baillet
07 mars 2022
Speaker: Sylvain Baillet
When: Monday, March 7 at 15:00
Where: By zoom or in-person at UdeM (limited capacity, following public health guidelines)
Register here.
The Montreal chapter of Growing up in Science is excited to invite you to our first event: a conversation with Dr. Sylvain Baillet!
The video of this past event is available here:
CRBLM discussion: Leading a lab in the pandemic
18 février 2022
Leading a lab can be difficult under the best of times, and these stresses are often further amplified by the pandemic. Whether it be day-to-day operations, navigating the student-supervisor relationship or adjusting to changes due to the pandemic, many key aspects of leading a lab can be challenging. The CRBLM will be hosting a roundtable discussion on this topic, featuring perspectives from CRBLM members Andréanne Sharp (Laval University) and Jorge Armony (McGill), as well as Lorraine Chalifour, Associate Dean of McGill’s Graduate and Postdoctoral Services. Come join your fellow researchers and share your experience, too, as we discuss how to navigate the ups and downs of leading a lab throughout the pandemic! Read More
CRBLM Workshop: Poster-making in Inkscape
20 octobre 2021
Looking for another way to create figures and posters, or add to the knowledge you already have? This hands-on workshop will cover the basics of image files, offer some tips for creating clean visuals, and introduce Inkscape, a free software similar to Adobe Illustrator that can be used to create polished documents of any size. We will walk through the tools and functions that will help you through your next project.
Read More
CRBLM discussion: Social media for academics
30 juin 2021
Social media is increasingly considered to be a part of an academic’s life, and if used well it can be an indispensable tool for networking and research dissemination. Unfortunately, horror stories also abound of online trolls, technical blunders, or accidental faux pas. Many of us are even unsure of basic issues like how often to post, what platforms to use, and how to balance personal and professional posts when our “followers” include diverse contacts such as family members, students, colleagues, and potential employers. Come join your fellow researchers as we discuss how to navigate the challenges and opportunities of social media for academics! Read More
CRBLM Scientific Day 2021
18 mai 2021
May 18, 2021 (this event has now passed)
Scientific Day is an annual event that showcases the research interests of the Centre for Research on Brain, Language and Music (CRBLM). The 2021 Scientific Day will be held online. The day will include a keynote address by Dr Aniruddh Patel, poster presentations, and an annual general assembly. Read More
CRBLM discussion on participant recruitment and compensation
12 mars 2021
With more and more research moving online, researchers are having to rethink their participant recruitment and compensation strategies. Join us for this informal discussion to talk about ethics considerations and the pros and cons of different strategies, including using third-party platforms such as Prolific, or engaging the assistance of institutions such as school boards. Read More
CRBLM workshop: Planning and Managing a Co-Authored Writing Project
08 février 2021
Are you involved in – or thinking of starting – a writing project with multiple authors? Every co-authored, collaborative writing project is different, but all can benefit from planning and foresight. Read More
CRBLM workshop: Intro to JavaScript for online experiments
04 février 2021 - 18 février 2021
CRBLM Workshop: Practical strategies for reducing bias and discrimination in STEM
21 janvier 2021
Science is a global endeavour that impacts the lives of diverse people so it is important that diverse people fully participate in the scientific process. We know that diverse teams do better science but there remains an overwhelming amount of evidence demonstrating that people from marginalized groups continue to face substantial bias and discrimination in STEM. These issues are not perpetuated by a single demographic, but actually originate from all of us and unfortunately, our unconscious behaviour can be in direct contradiction to the beliefs we hold. Fortunately, there are many strategies to fix the issues of bias and discrimination in STEM. In this talk, we will discuss the literature that demonstrates the causes and potential solutions to the issues of bias and discrimination in STEM. Read More
CRBLM discussion: Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
26 novembre 2020
Equity, diversity, and inclusion—what are they, besides buzzwords? Join the CRBLM as we examine this topic from multiple angles and discuss what it means in practical terms for academics. Current and former members will speak about how they have integrated EDI into their work. Read More
CRBLM discussion: Sample sizes
21 octobre 2020
Update: A recording of this session can be found here.
In a recent article in Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, Marc Brysbaert states that sample sizes lower than 100 participants per group are insufficient to draw any kind of conclusion. He further states that “Low statistical power is like blurred vision and it is astonishing that researchers would
actively opt for such a condition.” This CRBLM discussion will feature a panel moderated by Jason Gullifer, and will look at the usefulness of different sample sizes from single-case studies to massive data collection. Read More
Online workshop: How to build your personal academic website using open source software
25 septembre 2020
For many academics, particularly graduate students, post-docs, and early career researchers, having an online presence showcasing their academic work and achievements is an important component for advancing their research and career. A common way to do this is by creating and maintaining a personal website, which provides the opportunity to describe your research interests, highlight recent publications, and share your CV all in one location. However, many do not know where or how to begin this process. Read More
Non classifié(e), Workshop
CRBLM discussion: In-person testing
17 septembre 2020
Not all research can be moved online; some studies can only be done in person. With the easing of COVID-related restrictions, these studies are ramping up again, but with new procedures and protocols. Come and hear from some of the brave few who are inviting participants back to their labs. Read More
CRBLM discussion: Navigating supervisor-student relationships in a remote context
12 août 2020
Wednesday, August 12, 2:00pm-3:00pm
Has your student-supervisor dynamic changed abruptly due to the current pandemic? You are not alone; there have been challenges on all sides of this relationship, as everyone has had to establish new ways of working together while also dealing with significant upheaval in all areas of life. This discussion session is a chance for both supervisors and students to explore ideas, identify struggles, and offer suggestions in a neutral setting. Read More
Conference, Conférence, Non classifié(e), Workshop
CRBLM townhall on remote testing
30 juillet 2020
Thursday, July 30, 1:00pm-3:00pm
This online event is an opportunity for CRBLM members and students to discuss the move towards online testing, both as a response to COVID restrictions and as a research approach that holds many advantages even outside the pandemic context. Read More
CRBLM student discussion: What to expect at online conferences?
29 juillet 2020
Wednesday, July 29, 2:00pm-3:00pm
With the current restrictions on travel and on large gatherings, many conferences have been cancelled, but many others have moved online. This is new territory for most of the presenters as well as for the organizers. Watching a keynote address online is fairly straightforward, but how do you present a poster? Will there be networking activities, and if so, how can you best participate? Read More
Online workshop: Poster-making in Inkscape
03 juin 2020
With many shifts happening in the research landscape, now is the perfect time to learn or perfect new software skills! Inkscape is a free software similar to Adobe Illustrator that can be used to edit figures and create polished documents of any size. This hands-on workshop will cover the basics of image file types, introduce the Inkscape interface, and walk through the tools and functions that you will need for making figures and posters. Read More