Mouse-tracking workshop with Sara Incera
Title: Creating and analyzing mouse-tracking experiments
The goal of this four-hour workshop is to create and analyze mouse-tracking experiments. During the first half of the workshop, participants will become familiar with the computer software MouseTracker. Each participant will work on creating a sample pilot study (4-6 stimuli) on a topic of their choosing. Participants will start from an example, choose the stimuli type, set up their trials, and make it look good using the “Designer” feature in MouseTracker. In addition, participants will be taught how to export their data (“Analyzer”) including considerations about conditions, restrictions, types of data (raw vs. normalized), and remapping. In the second half of the workshop, participants will learn to analyze mouse-tracking data using R (and R Studio). The mouse-tracking paradigm generates many dependent variables, so it is important to know which one to use for a specific research question. Participants will be introduced to data transformations (wide vs. long format – reshape2), data visualizations (mouse trajectories on a line graph – ggplot2), and, if there is time, data analyses (mixed models – lme4). The goal is to get participants to experience the whole process, from creating the experiment to interpreting the results, so they can use the mouse-tracking paradigm on their own whenever they are designing their next experiment.
- Registration is required (see below).
- Participants are required to bring their own laptops (the room is equipped with plugs). We have a limited number of laptops available for lending; if you would like to borrow one please email
When: May 22, 2019, 9am-1pm
Where: 2001 McGill-College, room 466. (** note change from original location**)
Accessibility: The workshop will be held in an accessible building (note that the wheelchair-accessible entrance is on McGill-College; the entrance from Sherbrooke St has a few steps). Participants are invited to make us aware of any barriers to their participation or any accommodations that we can provide.