R programming for beginners – Jason Gullifer
R is a programming language that is well-suited for organizing,
summarizing, visualizing, and analyzing data. R is available for free, and
it runs on all major operating systems. It allows you to script your
actions so that they are reproducible and can be rerun almost instantly.
In this introduction to R, we will start from the very basics; no previous
knowledge in programming is assumed. We will cover how to install, run, and
interact with R; script your actions; load data; validate data; and save
data. After the basics, we will cover some foundational aspects of working
with data, including data subsetting, data aggregation, and data
organization/transformation. We will then cover how to visualize your data
using the ggplot2 package. With time and interest permitting, we will also
overview how to analyze and model your data (e.g., correlation, regression,
repeated measures ANOVA with the ez package, and linear mixed effects
modeling / hierarchical regression with the lme4 package).
When: Sat. Oct. 15, 9:00-18:00
Where: Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI), 3801 rue University, GrandPré Communications Centre.
This workshop is a part of the series: *Research Methods Workshops for Psychologists*
The workshops are a collaboration between GASP (Graduate Association of Students in Psychology, McGill) and the CRBLM (Center for Brain Language and Music).
The workshops are a series of 1-2 day courses in various statistical and programming methods, led by McGill graduate students and post-docs and open to all members of the McGill community, all CRBLM members, and beyond. The goal of the workshop series is to provide a structured and collaborative peer learning environment within which grads/post-docs can teach and share knowledge outside of coursework and across labs.