Open Science @ Concordia
(Banner background photo: Mona Eendra on Unsplash)
May 27, 2022
Open science—the movement to make scientific processes and outputs available and accessible to all—is here to stay and is profoundly changing the way we do research. The transition to the open-by-design and by-default model described in the Government of Canada’s Roadmap for Open Science is a call to action in areas as diverse as open access, open data, open notebooks, open evaluation, open educational resources, open innovation, open-source software, open governments, and citizen science.
As a next-generation university, Concordia is positioned to become an open science leader both nationally and internationally. The Open Science @Concordia conference will be a celebration of past efforts towards openness and the kickoff for Concordia’s transition to becoming a fully open institution. The day-long event will bring together advocates, enthusiasts, and other stakeholders in open science from across Concordia’s faculties and other regional institutions. Events include keynote talks featuring international speakers, interdisciplinary lightning-talk sessions, and lunch time roundtables. With plenty of free food and drink, and ample time for exchange and discussion, Open Science @Concordia will be the perfect opportunity to meet with the open community and help open science gain momentum.
Attendees are welcome from any institution. Join us either virtually or in-person at the Loyola Jesuit Hall and Conference Centre on a day for the democratization of knowledge without barriers. Registration is free. For any questions about registration, or in the event of technical difficulties, please contact
To attend remotely, join zoom using this link.

To attend remotely, join zoom using this link.
8:30–9:00 – Coffee and registration
9:00–9:30 – Opening remarks
- Graham Carr (Concordia University President and Vice-Chancellor)
- Pascale Sicotte (Dean, Faculty of Arts and Science)
- Aaron Johnson (Interim Associate Dean, Research, Faculty of Arts and Science)
- Krista Byers-Heinlein (Professor, Psychology; Concordia University Research Chair in Bilingualism and Open Science)
9:30–10:30 – Opening keynote: “Addressing pressures in publishing with preprints,” Jessica Polka (Executive Director, ASAPbio)
10:30–11:00 – Coffee break
11:00–12:00 – Morning lightning talks
- Victoria Smith (Digital Research Alliance of Canada) Sharing sensitive data: New opportunities
- Tony Ross-Hellauer (Graz University of Technology) Threats to equity in open science
- Brian Vermeire (Concordia University) Leveraging software development tools for open educational resources
12:00–1:30 – Lunch and roundtable discussion
1:30–3:30 – Afternoon lightning talks
- Mark Leggott (Digital Research Alliance of Canada) Making open science the “new” old normal
- Gregor Kos (Concordia University) Citizen science and open data: Air quality in Montreal’s East End and Kahnawà:ke
- Ji Yae Bong (Concordia University) Renewable assignments as an approach of OER-enabled pedagogy
- Danielle Dennie (Concordia University) Your data’s showing: Implementing the new Tri-Agency research data management policy
- Tristan Glatard (Concordia University) LivingPark: open evaluations of Parkinson’s Disease MRI measures
- Christopher Steele (Concordia University) Open Science in research and teaching: Perspectives from human neuroimaging
3:30–4:00 – Coffee break
4:00–5:00 – Closing keynote: “Open science for enabling reproducible, ethical and collaborative research: Insights from The Turing Way,” Malvika Sharan (Senior Researcher – Open Research, The Turing Way Co-Lead, The Alan Turing Institute)
5:00–5:15 – Closing remarks
- Paula Wood-Adams (Concordia University Interim Vice-President of Research and Graduate Studies)
- Nicolás Alessandroni (Concordia Horizon Postdoctoral Fellow)
(This event has now passed)