Online workshop: How to build your personal academic website using open source software
For many academics, particularly graduate students, post-docs, and early career researchers, having an online presence showcasing their academic work and achievements is an important component for advancing their research and career. A common way to do this is by creating and maintaining a personal website, which provides the opportunity to describe your research interests, highlight recent publications, and share your CV all in one location. However, many do not know where or how to begin this process. There are many different services that allow people to create their own websites, but often these services are pricey and do not provide formats that are optimized for sharing academic work. One solution is to build a website using the free, opensource software R and a package designed specifically for creating websites to highlight academic work.
This workshop will walk participants through the first steps of setting up their own academic website, which will contain their biography, photo, CV, contact information, and recent publications. Participants will be asked to create a GitHub account before the workshop.
The workshop will be given by Lena Kremin, a PhD Candidate in Psychology at Concordia University.
When: Friday, September 25, 2020 from 2:00pm-4:00pm
Where: Zoom link will be sent in advance to those registered.
Please register below.