Entrepreneurship for researchers
NOTE: This event is now full. Registration is only for the waiting list.
What is the path from scientific findings to commercialization? What resources are available for researchers on this path? Where does business funding come from? How is IP ownership handled? What does a researcher need to know before becoming an entrepreneur?
Two panels will address these questions in a one-day event co-organised by CIRMMT and CRBLM. The first panel will feature researchers from the Montreal academic community who have current entrepreneurial experience, and the second panel will include representatives of incubator hubs and experts from the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Montreal.
- 9:10 – 9:30 – Refreshments and sign-in
- 9:30 – 11:30 -Researchers-Entrepreneurs panel
- Etienne De Villers-Sidani – Innodem Neurosciences
- Matthew Boerum – Audible Reality
- Sahil Gupta – Soundskrit
- Susan Rvachew – DIALSpeech
- Moderator: Inbal Itzhak, CRBLM
- 11:30 – 11:45 – Derrick Wong, Technology transfer manager, Office of Innovation and Partnerships, McGill University
- 11:45 – 13:00 – Networking Lunch (lunch will be provided, registration is required, see below)
- 13:00 – 15:00 – Incubators/accelerators panel
- Jane Somerville – District3
- Omar Zahr – Tandemlaunch
- Jihane El Atifi – McGill Dobson centre for entrepreneurship
- Jean-Philip Poulin – Centech
- Moderator: Francesco Tordini, CIRMMT
Where: Elizabeth Wirth Music Building, McGill University, 527 Sherbrooke St W. room number A832.
When: June 26th, 2019
Accessibility: We aim to create a safe and accessible space to ensure that everyone is able to participate fully in the event. The venue is wheelchair-accessible. Accessible washrooms are available. Participants are invited to make us aware of any barriers to their participation or any accommodations that we can provide: info@crblm.ca
Note: The event is now full. Registration is only for the waiting list.