Conference, Townhall, Uncategorized, Workshop
CRBLM townhall on remote testing
Thursday, July 30, 1:00pm-3:00pm
This online event is an opportunity for CRBLM members and students to discuss the move towards online testing, both as a response to COVID restrictions and as a research approach that holds many advantages even outside the pandemic context.
There will be three short presentations followed by a chance for questions and discussion. The presentations will include:
- Aaron Glick (graduate student, Psychology of Pragmatics lab, McGill) will give a primer on what things to consider when choosing a platform and how to adapt in-person experiments online.
- Simone Dalla Bella (BRAMS Co-director and Professor of Psychology, Université de Montréal) and his team will speak about the new online platform based at BRAMS, which will be available to all CRBLM members.
- Ilde Lepore (Ethics Officer, McGill Faculty of Medicine) will give an institutional perspective on research policy and ethics approvals as it relates to online testing.
Please register below and a zoom link will be sent to you 24hrs before the event.