Reading group
Bilingual coactivation – simultaneous activation of more than one language
When: 1st meeting – Wednesday, January 24rd, 2018, 9:00-10:00
Where: SCSD, McGill, 2001 McGill College, 8th floor, room TBA
People who speak more than one language must normally produce and comprehend just one language at a time. But are bilinguals/multilinguals different from monolinguals even in monolingual processing situations? Do differences stem from coactivation, transfer, or competition, and how are these processes different? Does interference only affect linguistic performance, or is competence also vulnerable, and where is the distinction? Do multilinguals always activate both languages in phonological, semantic, and syntactic domains? Come join our reading group to discuss articles touching on these questions. We will meet every other Wednesday from 9-10am on the 8th floor of 2001 McGill College, room TBD. We hope to get an interdisciplinary perspective, and students and researchers from all backgrounds are welcome. There will also be breakfast, so come join us first thing in the morning and get a productive start to the day!
If you are interested, please fill in the form below and we will contact you shortly. This reading group is limited to 20 participants.